Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fang Song de

Last friday our class had a pretty cool opportunity to meet with the foreign exchange students from Missouri State! I learned quite a bit, I learned that their school system is A LOT different than ours, they were saying that in their school it is just classrooms. They don’t have as many extracurricular activities as we do! They were amazed by all of the sports we participate in! I learned how to say “relaxed” in chinese! They wrote it for me in Pinyin!
We talked about their hobbies, and what their favorite subject is, we just talked about simple things! We talked about their school and I have learned that they do not have sports in their school! The students I spoke with were Luna, and Krystal, we did not exchange any contact information, but they are extremely excited to be going home next month, they said their food is a lot better than ours!
On our school tour we showed them the broadcast journalism room, and the gym, weight room, and we showed them the cafeteria! They loved it! They did not take any pictures, but you could see the amazement in their eyes!
I think this was a really cool experience because we got to learn a little about their culture and their schooling, I hope it influenced them as it influenced us! We should definitely not take our schooling for granted.


  1. I ate some american-chinese food last night and while it was really good, I do believe that we have the superior cuisine. Were Luna and Krystal their american names or was that how it translated?

  2. Chinese food is most definitely my favorite! I could only imagine how wonderful it tastes over seas! I couldn't tell you about their names, they did not bring that up unfortunately.

  3. I am so glad you enjoyed the experience. I just wish it had been longer! Thanks for being so welcoming!
